Ecoles / Workshop de l’ARPE


9th EPR school - June 2023

The french EPR society, ARPE, organizes the 9th theoretical and practical school on Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectroscopy, from basics to (…)

ARPE’s Online School 2021

The school is finished now. You can ask by mail for an attending certificate. ( The French EPR network, ARPE, is (…)

Workshop 2018 : RPE et CHIMIE ORGANIQUE

ATTENTION : changement de dates, pour cause de perturbations dans les transports aux dates initialement prévues... L’ARPE, l’Infrastructure de (…)

First joint EPR school ARPE-GIRSE 2018

For the first time, the french and italian national EPR associations, ARPE and GIRSE, co-organize a theoretical and practical school on (…)